RIPTA's Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) - UPDATED: June 19, 2020

The health and safety of passengers and our workforce is the top priority for the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) as we work to keep our state moving every day. This information on this page will be updated as the situation evolves.

To prevent the spread of the COVID-19, transit should be used for essential travel only.

Is bus service and RIde paratransit service still running?

Yes. RIPTA is asking passengers to wear cloth face masks on board.

Do I have to wear a face mask?

Yes. Passengers must wear face coverings in public, per Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo’s Executive Order 20-24.
Face coverings can be made using scarf or extra cloth and should be used in addition to physical distancing and regular hand washing.

Seating Reduction

To help ensure that there is enough room for proper social distancing, we have reduced the number of passengers on board.
No more than 20 passengers will be allowed on any fixed-route bus.

What is closed?

Kennedy Plaza Intermodal Transportation Center

Newport Transportation Center

Pawtucket Transit Center

Photo ID Office at Kennedy Plaza

Photo ID Office at RIPTA Headquarters, 705 Elmwood Avenue, Providence

Lost & Found Office at RIPTA Headquarters, 705 Elmwood Avenue, Providence

Where can I buy fare products?

Outdoor ticket vending machines in Kennedy Plaza.

Online at

During this evolving situation, we’re temporarily waiving our shipping and handling fees. We want to ensure our passengers have access to the fare products they need.

RIPTA Headquarters, 705 Elmwood Avenue, Providence

Stop & Shop


My Reduced Fare or No Fare Bus Pass expires soon. How can I renew my bus pass if the Photo ID Office is closed? Can I still ride the bus?

We are extending the expiration deadline through June 30, 2020. You can still ride the bus, just show the driver your bus pass. We will let you know once the Photo ID Office reopens.

What do I do if my Reduced or No Fare Bus Pass is lost or has been stolen?

Call our Customer Service Department at 781-9400.

We will mail you a temporary card valid through June 30, 2020.

Once the Photo ID Office reopens, you will have to come in for a replacement card and pay the $20 replacement fee.

What are you doing to keep vehicles and facilities clean?

RIPTA has increased the frequency and intensity of all cleaning routines by utilizing EPA-approved, anti-viral cleaning agents in order to maintain the highest levels of sanitation. If you would like general news updates from RIPTA on this issue and service alerts in general, please visit and fill out the blue “stay informed” box.

RIPTA will continue to consult with the Rhode Island Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ensure appropriate preventative measures are being utilized.

What should I do?

We remind our passengers and employees to please follow health and safety protocols established by the CDC.  These include recommendations to:

•  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that includes at least 60-percent alcohol.

•   Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

•   Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

•   Stay home when you are sick.

•   Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow instead of your hands.

•   Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

•   Individuals who are experiencing symptoms and may have traveled to areas of concern or have been in contact with someone who has traveled to these areas should call ahead to their healthcare provider before presenting for treatment.

Should you have questions or concerns about the coronavirus, please consult the CDC’s website at or the Rhode Island Department of Health website at

* indicates required field.