Winter Weather Information

Service During Severe Winter Weather

RIPTA's first priority is always safety. Buses will run on major streets and highways that are cleared first by snow removal crews.

When a storm hits

If winter weather affects bus service, expect updates on this site, Twitter (@RIPTA_RI) and on Facebook (RideRIPTA). You can also call 401-781-9400. Local radio and television stations will be updated on the status of service during storms.

If you must travel – put safety first
When extreme winter conditions exist, it is always safest to stay where you are. If you absolutely must travel, the bus or train is often your best option.  Buses will stop on level surfaces where it is safe to do so. Remain away from the curb until the bus comes to a complete stop.

Bundle Up
Wear several layers of loose fitting, lightweight warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing. The outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent. Wear mittens, which are warmer than gloves. Wear a hat. Protect your lungs from extremely cold air by covering your mouth when outdoors.

Expect delays
Plan ahead and take an earlier trip to make sure you arrive on time. Remember – if conditions are slowing traffic, buses will be delayed. Be assured that your driver is doing everything possible to stay on schedule while maintaining safety.

Service interruptions due to winter weather

RIPTA may detour buses on a route-by-route basis if conditions warrant.

If a route is placed on detour, an alert will display on its online schedule page and on the Service Alert page. We'll regularly post updates on detours to this site, Twitter (@RIPTA_RI) and to Facebook (RideRIPTA).

Snow Removal

RIPTA has approximately 4,000 bus stops throughout the state and does not have the ability to clear all those locations. We rely on municipal governments, businesses and property owners to help with pedestrian safety by keeping sidewalks and bus stops clear. RIPTA does remove snow and ice at its transit hubs, such as Kennedy Plaza, and has hired a contractor to remove snow around the stops on the busy R-Line which runs from the Cranston-Providence line into downtown Pawtucket.

After the storm – the return to regular service
Depending on the storm's severity, it may take hours to days for detoured buses to return to their regular routes. Again, check back to this site, Twitter,Facebook or call 401-781-9400 to find out when regular service will resume.

* indicates required field.